April 1, 2013

Join Us for a Webinar "Building Your Web Business by Building Urgency"

Randy Parker, PagePart CEO

Building Your Web Business by Building Urgency
Webinar with Host Randy Parker

April 17, 2013
1:00-1:40pm EDT

Join host Randy Parker, small business advocate and expert.  Randy is CEO of PagePart and previously founded Constant Contact.

Have you presented mobile to your clients?  Are they often confused about what a mobile website actually is and why they would need one?   For most small business owners, the barrier to going mobile is a lack of knowledge.  They do not make their web presence a priority; many still incorrectly consider an online presence an expense rather than an investment.  

This webinar will provide insight, materials and actionable tips to help you:

1. Educate your client with materials about the benefits of a mobile website

2. Build Client Demand and Urgency

3. Close the Sale

You will learn how to quickly convince your clients that mobile is a “must have” for their business.  This will lead to shorter sales cycles and provide opportunity for higher profits.

About PagePart (pagepart.com)  During Randy Parker’s 20+ year career dedicated to understanding the needs of small businesses, he identified one gaping hole in their businesses: their online presence. Millions of small businesses have been slow to adopt an online presence, as many still consider it an expense rather than an investment. Randy identified the disconnect to be lack of affordable solutions built specifically to small business needs combined with lack of knowledge and urgency from small business owners.  Therefore, to provide a full service solution, PagePart uniquely combines mobile website technology with powerful business tools, providing all necessities for web developers and web designers to build a business.  Randy Parker is CEO of PagePart, who previously founded Constant Contact.

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